10 Baby Facts About Their First Month of Life

Most mums think their baby's first month of life is all about sleeping and eating, but there's actually a lot going on! Here are ten fun facts about your baby’s first month. That little body’s ability to grow and change at such a rapid pace is remarkable, but don’t blink, or you might miss some of these amazing facts about your growing bundle of joy.
- Your baby cries differently for different needs. All that crying can be confusing, but each cry means something different. Your baby might cry when he's hungry, wet, tired, or just wants to be held. Learning to understand baby’s cries can make those long days easier and happier for the both of you.
- Your baby prefers higher-pitched voices. This is why we change our voices to talk to babies. It’s a learned behavior because it’s how we get a reaction out of babies.
- Your baby literally changes your heart. When you hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time, it's hard to believe that such a tiny creature can have such an impact on you. But it's true! A study found that when mothers were listening to their babies' heartbeats, their own heart rates changed to match their babies' rhythms.
- Your baby doesn’t cry tears. That’s right, your baby’s vocal chords may not lack in the distress department, but his/her eyes won’t join the team for a few more months.
- Your baby has very sensitive skin. You might have noticed that your baby's skin is very soft and delicate. That's because babies are born with a protective layer of vernix caseosa, which helps keep their skin healthy. This layer starts to disappear after a few days, so be sure to take extra care of your little one's skin!
- Your baby has more taste buds than adults. Babies are born with around 10,000 tastebuds, which is more than adults have! This helps them to distinguish between different flavours and trust their taste buds as they grow older.
- Your baby’s head makes up a quarter of their weight. Babies are a bit top-heavy to begin with, but they’ll even out as they grow. Fortunately, those big heads have some soft spots and can handle the bumps and bruises they’ll get as they learn to walk and get around.
- Your baby's poop changes color. A newborn's first stool is called meconium and it's usually black or green. After a few days, your baby's poop will change to a yellow-ish color. If you see blood in your baby's stool, contact your doctor right away.
- Your baby can only see in black and white. At birth, your baby's vision is pretty poor. He can only see things that are close up, and they're all in black and white. But don't worry, things will start to improve quickly! By the end of the month, your baby will be able to see colour and objects that are further away.
- Your baby's immune system is still developing. Babies are born with a very immature immune system, which is why they're more susceptible to illnesses. But don't worry – it will develop quickly, and your baby will be able to fight off infections in no time.
In just one short month, your baby will have grown and developed so much! It's amazing to think about all the changes that take place in such a short time. Be sure to enjoy this special time – it goes by quickly!
Author Bio
Angela Silva
Angela graduated with her B.S. in Exercise and Wellness and is a NASM certified personal trainer who specializes in postpartum fitness and recovery. She enjoys writing, cracking jokes, and spending time with her family, preferably while fishing. She shares many of her life adventures on Instagram as @angelagrams