Here's my advice about the Owlet Smart Sock… buy it

I never write anything about products. I'm the one who reads reviews constantly but never contributes, until now. Here's my advice about the Owlet Smart Sock… buy it.
My bub was born full-term, with no issues, but as a paranoid first-time mum, I had bought the Owlet Smart Sock. He's worn it every night since we've been home. Sunday night I put my happy 8-week-old bub to bed and hopped in the shower. Two minutes later I got our first ever red notification. I rushed to him, checked on him and he looked fine. I thought it was a fluke so I changed the Smart Sock to his other foot and got back in the shower. I received a second red notification but again checked on him and he seemed fine. Then another notification.
I finally decided to take him to the hospital, thinking it was probably nothing. At the hospital, they found that his oxygen levels were low (as the Smart Sock had indicated to me) and he was immediately put on oxygen and taken to ICU. He had no fever, his mood was amazing, and he was eating and sleeping great. I HAD NO IDEA SOMETHING WAS WRONG. Having additional information potentially saved my bub's life. I love the Owlet Smart Sock and highly recommend it!
- Jennifer B.